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Iranian Ceramic Tile Industry

Iranian Ceramic Tile Industry
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The tile is consistently used in all buildings for walls and floors. It is the best product for industrial production and income generation due to its cleanliness, easy installation, and hygiene. Luckily, Iran is abundant in mines and raw materials for tile production, making it a suitable platform for the ceramic tile industry. The history of ceramic tiles in Iran dates back to around 1250 BC, and since then, various types of glazed bricks and decorative and enamel tiles have been produced. Today, Iran’s tile industry has made significant progress, with a production capacity of about 700 million cubic meters, placing Iran fifth in the world. 


Leading ceramic tile manufacturing countries worldwide in 2022
Leading ceramic tile manufacturing countries worldwide in 2022


The strengths of the tile industry in Iran

The tile industry is an ancient and prominent sector in Iran, owing its longevity to the rich artistic traditions, abundant natural resources, and modern production facilities. Top factories equipped with the latest technology and staffed by skilled experts contribute to the strength of Iran’s ceramic tile industry. Yazd is a key center for Iranian ceramic tile production, with Iran accounting for 60% of the country’s total tile output and often being referred to as “Yazd tile” in other countries. Alongside a skilled workforce, Iran benefits from extensive exports to numerous nations and favourable geographic connections, cementing its status as a leading producer and exporter of tiles.


1- Abundance of domestic raw materials

One of the key strengths of the ceramic tile industry in Iran is its access to domestic raw materials. By investing in the processing of these raw materials, we can reduce our reliance on imports by 70%, thus avoiding outflows of foreign currency, delays in accessing raw materials, and transportation issues.


2- The presence of a skilled workforce

The skill and creativity of the Iranian workforce are evident in tile production. The valuable work experience and modern education of engineers in this field, combined with Iranian taste and art, lead to outstanding results. When you observe Iranian tile products, you can see the elegance, taste, and beauty of Iranian art in each piece.


3- Excellent export position

Iran’s advantageous geographical location has given the country convenient access to various export routes. As a result, Iranian business people have placed a strong emphasis on exporting to neighboring countries such as Central Asia and Iraq, and their efforts have been highly successful.

Iranian Ceramic Tile Show Room


The potential of the tile-making market in Iran 

Over the last few decades, the Iranian government has focused on boosting non-oil industrial production. The ceramic tiles industry is seen as a high-potential sector that can significantly contribute to the country’s exports, even with minimal export planning. Following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a substantial global decrease in tile production, Iran currently produces approximately 720 million square meters of tiles annually.

Currently, 60% of tile products are used within Iran and about 40% are exported.


This sets the stage for healthy competition between Iran and the world’s leading producers, China and India. Unfortunately, most of the exports go to Iraq. However, if we address the lack of market penetration and the weak branding in the target markets, it is expected that the size of this market will increase to $320.5 billion in 2027, with a growth rate of 7.1%.

Export & Import


Challenges and opportunities of Iran’s tile industry

Despite the relative advantages of the tile industry within the country, its most significant challenge for development is the inability to access export markets. Iranian tile products face restrictions in entering markets of countries except for neighboring countries such as Iraq and some Central Asian countries. This is due to sanctions, increased production costs, stagnant prices of ceramic tiles over the last three years, international shipping and transportation issues, and strong competition from countries like Italy, Spain, India, and China.


One of the most significant opportunities to boost Iran’s exports is through its relationship with a developed country like Russia.


Seyed Mojtabi Mousaviyan, Former Deputy of the Ministry of Commerce, stated that Russia has imported over 290 billion dollars worth of tiles, with most of these imports coming from European countries. However, due to current issues between European countries and Russia, European suppliers have been cut off from the Russian market. This situation presents a great opportunity for the Iranian market to step in. If Iran can capture just 10% of the European market share in supplying tiles to Russia, it would be able to compensate for the lost share of the European countries. Iran would be competing with countries like China and India for this opportunity.


Iranian Floor Tiles



With its long history, Iranian tile is considered among this country’s most brilliant industries. With careful planning, it becomes possible to raise its rank in the production and export of global-quality tiles. If this country can increase its annual production by using a skilled workforce, modern machinery, and careful planning, it will definitely become one of the best ceramic tile exporting countries, not only in the region but also in the whole world.


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